Tuition & Fees
Your tuition rate will be established according to the completed Family Acknowledgement form. All Saints has contracted the FACTS Management Company to manage our tuition payment program for our families. All families will be required to use FACTS. There is a minimal sign-up fee, which will be deducted from your checking, savings or credit card account by FACTS according to your signed agreement form.
The Discounted Rate (Supporting Rate) is defined and determined by the pastor of the family’s registered parish and requires attending Sunday liturgy on a regular basis, being active in the parish’s ministries and contributing to the financial support of the parish through the use of the weekly envelope or online giving. The Family Acknowledgement form is required.
There is limited tuition assistance available for currently enrolled students. The application forms from FACTS are required to be completed and filed by the families. Please see the Tuition Assistance page for more information. If you are interested in applying for tuition assistance, please click here.
2024-2025 Book Fees
- Pre-Kindergarten $475
- Kindergarten $500
- 1st Grade $485
- 2nd Grade $540
- 3rd Grade $585
- 4th Grade $540
- 5th Grade $585
- 6th Grade $685
- 7th Grade $660
- 8th Grade $785
HSA Fee for 2024-2025 is $150 per family - one membership per family required (yearly fee)
2025-2026 Book Fees TBD
HSA Fee for 2025-2026 is $150 per family - one membership per family required (yearly fee)
The book bills will be withdrawn from your FACTS account on July 15th. Also, that is the time when the $150 Home & School Association fee is taken (per family).
Step-Up for Students program will be available for the 2025-2026 school year. Step Up & FES scholarship documents will be added as soon as they become available.