Advent Tea

Advent Tea

Join us on Tuesday, December 5 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm at St. Peter Parish Hall
Advent by Candlelight Tea is a special evening for the women of our school and parishes to come together and celebrate the season of Advent to prepare for the Birth of Our Lord. We will light the Advent wreath, have prayer and reflection, musical accompaniment, and enjoy one another’s company in a sacred and festive setting, while being served tea, coffee, and desserts. The event is spiritual and calming and offers respite from the busyness of preparing for the holiday season. This is a free event.
Hostesses are responsible for decorating their tables and bringing dessert and finger sandwiches for their tables. Tables will sit a total of 8 women. Please keep in mind that sponsoring a table includes set-up and clean-up of your table. You will also need to provide the tablecloth (plastic, paper, or linen for a round table), place settings (china, paper, plastic), table decorations, coffee and tea carafes and dessert for your 8 guests. Table sponsorship can be 8 guests that you are inviting or guests will be assigned to your table.

Click on the following link to RSVP or use the QR code in the attachment. Please RSVP by November 29.

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