Father-Daughter Dance

- What
- Father-Daughter Dance
- When
- 2/8/2019, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
- Where
- ASCS Dining Hall
The annual Daddy-Daughter Dance in the All Saints Dining Hall will be held February 8, 2019. It is a little girl’s dream date with her Daddy. Moya Photography will be on site to photograph each child with their father.
Friday, February 8, 2019
6:30 - 8:30 P.M.
All Saints Dining Hall
Pizza, Desserts, & Dancing
Semi-formal Attire
For all ASCS girls Pre-K through 8th Grade and their Fathers or other special adult males in their life.
Hosted by the ASCS HSA. All proceeds to benefit the ASCS HSA.
Please bring Moya Photography form below to dance.
Questions? Contact Chair:
Maggie Cecchini [email protected]
Maura McGuire [email protected]
- Father-Daughter Dance.pdf 617.13 KB
- FatherDaughter Moya Order Form.pdf 1.67 MB